15 Lansdowne St
Boston, Massachusetts 02215

You have heard of Chinese New Year. Now experience it at the Opera House.

Order your tickets now:

Ticket Hotline 617-880-9061 or 617-202-9507
Box Office: 617-259-3400
TicketMaster: 617-931-2000

Or order online from:
Ticket Prices: $35, $60, $85
For more details on the show and NTDTV, visit http://shows.ntdtv.com

It makes a great gift for the Holidays, New Year's, Valentine's, or simply a quality night out! So forward this to all of your friends, family, and anyone you know who is interested in genuine Chinese culture and the performing arts.

Take a journey across oceans and centuries to the world of China's legendary golden age: the Tang Dynasty. At the 2007 Chinese New Year Spectacular, New Tang Dynasty Television will transport you with music and dance into a realm of mythical dragons, heavenly maidens, and exhilarating drummers!

Don't miss this amazing performance, ranked #7 on Billboard Magazine's Top Ten Shows of 2006.


Official Website: http://shows.ntdtv.com

Added by jennifer.zhang on October 29, 2006