11 Columbus Circle
New York City, New York 10022

The MobileMonday NY committee, Antoine Quint of SVG.org, Scott Weiss of Usable Products and Dan Appelquist of Vodafone and MobileMonday London are happy to invite you to the "Rich Mobile Experiences with SVG" event held in New York City on January 29th.

This event has been set up to provide an exhaustive overview of the Mobile SVG ecosystem with a strong selection of leaders in the field -- Sun Microsystems, Qualcomm, Vodafone, Ikivo, Opera, BitFlash and Beatware -- coming together to present their solutions and visions around Mobile SVG.

Speakers will update you on everything relevant to this key rich mobile technology including authoring solutions, deployed and live services, integration in application platforms (J2ME, Brew, Symbian), user interfaces design, mobile browsing, etc. A closing panel and Q&A session, followed by a networking reception, will allow you to take part in the discussion and get answers to real-world problems related to creating rich mobile experiences with SVG.

The main event will run from 3pm to 8pm, followed by the reception, on Monday January 29th at the Samsung Experience in the Time Warner Center near Central Park. Registration is completely free and already open but if you wish to attend please register by visiting the Mobile Monday New York web site at:

Register here: http://www.mobilemonday.net/mm/newyork/

Please note, this upcoming.org page is purely informational. If you wish to attend for this event, please visit the above URL and register as well as indicating your interest here.

There is limited seating, so take the time to register now. Look out for a complete event program on this page in the coming days. Hoping to see you in New York on the 29th,

The "Rich Mobile Experiences with SVG" Event Team

Official Website: http://www.mobilemonday.net/mm/newyork/

Added by dappelquist on December 21, 2006